THank you, Amanda! It's more the lack of physical energy here after fighting off Covid. Even with the immunizations it takes a hunk of energy out of one.
..We did go out today to my favorite nursery (Tsugawa's) and bought a new Japanese maple for our front yard, but that was all outside. I even did a quick reconnoiter through their hydrangeas but they were pretty worn out from summer. We bought our 3rd Japanese Maple for our front yard. Two different Coral Bark Maple "wild" seedlings I brought with me from our old house have done beautifully, The other spot, we have had 2 die and a third that needs to be moved to the woods along the creek. I had a good chat with an assistant at the nursery. She helped me pick out a Full Moon Japanese maple that will have some flaming red shades and she said it would probably withstand the summer sun that has fried leaves on the others I have tried, Oregon has a nice moderate climate until we get a blast of heat from the lower WIllamette Valley in the summer. I am just hoping this one will adjust as well as the 2 Coral Barks.