BackyardBouquets_17 I sometimes think of that diffuse color distribution as “color dusting.” I wonder if there is an agreed upon name for that trait? “Arabian Not”, Hemisphere, Sellwood Glory & Temple of Beauty kind of have a bit of that going on, but the contrast color is much stronger, with less white. N-Force and some others do “color dusting” patterns, but with different colors. I really like traits that make the petals have an ombre effect or look like an artist air-brushed or did shading with the colors…petal fade of older petals can be gorgeous that way, too. I thought Le Baron was lovely because of the way the fade to lighter petal tips was graduated.
Come to think of it, Kelgai Ann & a seedling I saw at the WCDS 2023 show have a similar color distribution to BJ’s Dusty Rose.
Kelgai Ann:
Seedling by John & Carmen Sullivan: