Teddahlia Margaret's basket arrangement is absolutely stunning! Such creative use of color and materials. I am a painter (though not very active at it anymore) - this excites me. If I saw something like this here, I'd want to take a stab at painting it! It's so pleasing to the eye; Margaret really knows how to make an arrangement an artful composition that never gets boring!
On an unrelated topic but related question further up when you were speaking of growing qualities you looked for in your dahlias, I meant to ask: why not big tubers? (besides obvious extra costs to ship them). I am curious because a few very large tubers or huge tubers I was given last year never really grew. I wondered why. Too much water in them? They seemed to put up a sprout, then sulk, and once in the ground, rot -or fail to grow or thrive to the point that I removed them and tossed them, fearing disease. I thought you'd know why.
Some of mine that I grow make very long or large tubers, such as Bloomquist Joel and a few others; to the point that I thought I might try growing one of the smaller ones. I wanted to hear your thoughts and experience on this. Thanks