EldonA72 Just recently viewed an article in Down East Magazine and found your site. Long time grower of Dahlias. Purchased last dozen from a company in Maine in 2022. Still waiting for some of them to blossom. Using the Dahlias this year to brighten up not just my property but on the along the highway to please passers by. ☺
Krista EldonA72 Welcome, Eldon! You’re in the right place, I’m looking forward to chatting about growing dahlias with you.
Teddahlia Welcome to this forum. We have many fewer members than the "big box stores" of the internet like Instagram and so on. We also have many different levels of experience here. We have cut flower growers ,people who just like dahlias and breeders of new ones all attached to the most useful web site of all called Dahlia Addict. Post any of your basic questions freely as they always get answered by people who have grown dahlias for many years and know that getting correct information is important.
EldonA72 Teddahlia I appreciate the reply and look forward to many topics of discussion. Especially after Jan/Feb as we all become anxious to get our hands dirty. Going back to Maine for 1 Wk soon. Hope we see more opportunities for purchase of unique Dahlias. Eldon
calico20hill Eldon , welcome. My daughter lives in Maine too, and I am interested in your experiences with growing, as I share my seedlings with her. She lives near Freeport. What part of Maine are you in?
EldonA72 calico20hill Originally from Hampden. Hampden is located just North of Bangor about 7 miles. I visited Hampden Academy about 4 years ago for my 50th HS reunion. Wow what campus. Eldon