Disclaimer: I have no pets that roam the yard.
Today, trying to relieve my depression 😩regarding gophers, I turned on my mad scientist cooking mode. I made some "treats" for the gophers. I mixed peanut butter, honey, oats, peanuts along with whole Pseudoephedrine pills and whole stool softener pills. Each treat had at least one pill of each "medicine". After those were distributed into gopher holes( I found another dahlia being actively eaten), I came in to make some more. The new and improved formula used peanut butter, more honey, canola oil and oats. Each little treat( about 1.5 teaspoons of the mix) was topped with a half of a peanut, one 30 mg Pseudoephedrine pill, two expired baby aspirins, and another half of peanut to top it off. The individual portions were then sprinkled with ground flax seed, and are in the freezer, ready for the next gopher attack. A few hours later I did some research.... 🤩
Pseudoephedrine ingested in small animals: Clinical signs of toxicity may be seen with doses of 5-6 mg/kg and death may occur with ingestion of doses 10-12 mg/kg of body weight. Apr 25, 2023.
Plains pocket gopher: Adult males weigh 8.1–16.7 oz( ~.5 kg), while adult females weigh 4.5–13.4 oz
So... only 1/6 of a 30 mg Pseudoephedrine pill would in theory kill a male gopher. If they are smart, they'll avoid the "treats". I'm really hoping for some hungry dumb gophers.