MissyWeitzel I'm a novice at hybridizing dahlias. Since I don't sell cut flowers, last year and this year I started working on crosses as soon as I had pollen and stigmas on desired matches. Actually, I'm just trying to get any results, because there is not very much information available regarding Dahlia hybridization*. I start "playing bee" right away since I still don't know 1) which varieties will produce seed, 2) if crosses will be compatible and produce any seed, and 3) if any of the seed will sprout. So far I've only found three varieties (of about 15 I grew last year) that had viable seed, Alloway Candy, Hollyhill Creamy (unreleased), and Hollyhill Donnatella.
*There is a book Katherine Albrecht wrote on hybridizing dahlias that I've read. Unfortunately, it's full of extremely basic information and it barely touches the surface of the topic of hybridizing dahlias.