Teddahlia Cuttings more than likely will not work. My advice is to not bother with capturing variegated turned solid flowers.
I’m not actually interested in trying to capture the sport. It’s pretty as a one-off thing, but I don’t want a whole plant of it. Actually, what I’m trying to decide is if I should prioritize saving tubers from other CV Jazz plants over this one if I want to avoid having a full plant of the sport next year. However, it does happen to be on my best plant of the three.
Also, I was just sort of curious about how sports work in dahlias. When hostas sport, it’s always confined to a distinct eye (or eyes), with roots that can be (fairly)easily separated from the original plants. I know they’re totally different plants but I was wondering if there was a similar way that dahlia sports carried through to the root structure.
Also, trying to understand how it happens that sometimes you wind up with a tuber (say, from a purchase or trade) that ends up being a solid version of a variegated variety. Did it come from a plant that grew all solid blooms? Or did it come from a plant that had thrown a few solid blooms the season before? Or did the tuber somehow lose the ability to produce variegated blooms from one season to the next? (Maybe nobody really knows…)