Juliarugula AndreaB yes, I was trying to figure out where the fungus gnats were coming from too and finally discovered it was the bulbs. I really only had a few per package rot, though. (Although I still have a few bags to plant.)
MissyWeitzel Juliarugula I did a bunch of tulips this year too. Menards had some ridiculously good sale where even fancy tulips (fancy in Menards terms 😉) were super inexpensive so I went a little crazy. I love getting a large variety so they hopefully bloom over an extended period. Last year we had a heatwave that foiled my plans but usually I have 6 or more weeks of tulip fun!
Juliarugula MissyWeitzel yes, I always grab some from Menards too! I have three bags of their fringed mix left to plant. Have you grown Ice Cream before? I tried it one and year and none of them bloomed at all (all foliage) so never tried again. You’ll have to let me know how it goes…