I thought I'd start a discussion dedicated to the hunt for, and the finding of, rare ones. I know there are some that have been part of other discussions (HH Lavender Blu, Sellwood Glory, Fernridge Pride) but I'll add one more. I'm hunting for Hart's Pink Ribbon. I thought I'd found it with Restoring Eden and was planning on snagging it in his sale on the 11th. Alas, he told me today it's not in his garden anymore. So far, I haven't found anyone else with it. Any leads greatly appreciated. I'm afraid it might be lost which makes me very sad. I hate seeing varieties of anything go the way of the Dodo Bird.
Rarities - ISO and Sources
In the 1960s before I knew that a dahlia was not a zinnia there was a show variety named Windlassie , a beautiful white flower. I have only seen a blurry picture of it but even in it's day it was very rare. Please place me into the time machine and rocket me back to 1960 so I can grab a tuber and return to 2023. Michael J. Fox Kennedy
Teddahlia did a Google search on Windlassie...
Found on page 60 of the following catalog. Really cool pictures of mostly Irises in the catalog.
Walter Marx 1955 - American Iris Society https://wiki.irises.org/pub/Hist/Info1955CatalogWalterMarx/1955_WALTER_MARX_GARDENS.pdf
I see there was a pink one too
Ryecroft Sunrise, a collarette cultivar from the UK. Hybridized by Phil Godsmark and introduced in the US through Corralitos Garden. Did a write-up about it on Collarette Corner based on an old post and the CG listing. Couldn't find it even on UK sites.
@AKWindWatcher Hart’s Pink Ribbon is lovely, I hope you find it!
Not listed now but Heaven on Earth had Fern Ridge Pride (if I recall correctly, their photo was labeled “Ferncliff Pride” but they noted that was in error). Interestingly, another rare-for-now cultivar in the US, Rhubard and Custard cuttings for $45 did not immediately sell out. In that sale, I was hoping for Bracken Ballerina which I have not seen elsewhere.
I have been looking for Arnside Rose for several years since seeing it mentioned on Cubits. This year, I have seen two sellers with it- an individual on Facebook and cuttings at Kale Lane. Sadly, I missed it on Facebook and importing cuttings into Hawaii is more complex than tubers. But I’m happy to see it and hope it will be more widely available in the coming years.
HiDahlia I'm actually the one who helped Thomas with the correction for Ferncliff. I called FC and they have never had a FC Pride and - boy - does it look a lot like Fern Ridge! I am hoping to get FernRidge from another grower and have the two side by side to compare. (I got the one from Thomas too.) I'm also the one who scored Bracken Ballerina so touch base with me at the end of the season for next year.
AKWindWatcher That is fantastic, I’m so glad you got it!
Great sleuthing with the FC/FR mix up!
Anybody have any leads on Alauna varieties? Like Alauna Griselda? Jan's Country Garden looks to have had quite a few but Jan (from her FB page) had a pretty severe injury in 2020 (the year that shall not be named) and it looks like she lost a bunch after that. I tried emailing her but it bounced back so I'm not sure if she's growing at all anymore.
Note: Fernridge Pride is worth all the effort as we loved it back when.
I grew Fern Ridge Pride many years
Does anyone grow Grand Prix as an alternate to FRP? I find it hard to get the true variety but when its good its awesome!
FRPride is beautiful. Every year I ask my seedlings for a decent yellow bicolor and every year I'm left wanting. Trevor, in Canada, has a gorgeous yel/wht seedling that I'm drooling over. I've tried others over the years and I either got bad stock or was sent mislabels because they all were solid yellow for me.
Cosey I take backup cuttings for all of my rare ones and winter them over in their pots as extra, extra insurance. With luck, I'll have several extra FR Pride tubers to spread around.
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todgor It sure is pretty, and I understand not being interested in cold, wet digging. Grand Prix is a stunner, I’ve previously been less interested in buying yellows but when I see them in the fall they’re suddenly the only color I want to see. I’ll keep my eyes peeled for this one - also, headed over to Google to educate myself on warf!