Teddahlia when I was fresh out of college, I worked in a plant nursery. Having all the science classes related to horticulture "under my belt", when I saw a flat of annuals looking all pale and yellow, guess what I did... I sprinkled Scotts lawn fertilizer( it was partially time release) on it. The flat of annuals looked great a few days later. I must add that this was before all the weed preventatives and insecticides/fungicides were regularly part of the formulation for lawn fertilizers. Over the years I've killed a few plants from over fertilization. But I've also proven I can keep most plants growing robustly just by regularly replenishing the nitrogen it uses in the growing season. I'm a fan of timed release fertilizer, but nothing can beat a balanced fertilizer that dissolves in water that contains micronutrients(such as Miracle Grow or Generic equivalent) for a quick greening of fast growing vegetables or ornamentals. Don't judge... but my occasional organic fertilizer for nitrogen is diluted human urine. The dahlias really like it!