THis year we removed 3 gigantic red rhododendrons at the front of the house that kept growing up past the windows. IN their place we planted 3 of the new hydrangeas with dark leaves and cranberry red flowers. They are supposed to stay a moderate size and will look much better against the "Papaya" Paint then those rhodies did. That planting must have been as old as the house! What we were left we discovered when we moved the rhodies was a nice little flower bed outlined in brick with 3 swooping "bays" designed into the brick border. So fine...maybe a nice 1990's vibe, LOL, Now planted to 3 dark leaved "Eclypse" hydrangeas that will bloom with Dark magenta blooms. Todays job was to interplant them with a border of bulbs for spring blooms. We've had a leaky gutter that was repaired last week but the bed is still soggy clay, it being November now. I got the spring bulbs laid out today and they will be covered with a 6" layer of good garden dirt. There were no spring bulbs planted here when we moved in. I have been trying to establish some spring flowering beds with tulips, daffodils, and the little bulbs like crocus and grape hyacinths. Just set out a few early daffodils, Some red violet tulips with white edges, blue hyacinths, Purple alliums, and crocus and a few other little charmers. Now I am really excited to see what that does in the spring! I am not really up to digging in clay so now Husband will dumps some loads of garden dirt on top of them mounding it a bit to let the rain run off to the front of the bed. I hope the Hydrangeas will enjoy the company!
Hmmm, I might just tuck a few dahlias in for the summer...Good spot for an "All other types" display!