Thank you so much! Works like a charm.
A tip for faster set up. If u recall that excel file from Etsy I had posted about when this topic came up. If you delete some of the tables ( you need to get it down to a smaller size so itâs within the size limit to import ) save it as an xls instead of an xlsm ( I had to go into my laptop files and change it manually in there after I saved a copy from excel to my laptop files) you can then upload it from excel to airtable and then turn around and in smart suite instead of starting from scratch create with import and upload it from airtable to smart suite. The reason I had to go the roundabout way is because it would only allow importing from airtable and not excel.
Going this route it is 75 percent done with ( for me) a dahlia inventory, planting info, sales,trade list, cuttings, and seedlings table with only a little tweaking needed vs starting from the ground up.
I hope to anyone going this route my instructions make sense. If not feel free to contact me. For instructions on how to change a file from xlsm to xls google was helpful đ