I have done lots of Saran wrap over the years. Biggest mistakes are tubers not dry enough and trying to store tubers that have with some rotten spots. Cinnamon must be Ceylon cinnamon and it is not a cure but a preventative. Sulfur is caustic and often poison to some people. It works to a bit but certainly not worth the risk of killing someone who is deathly allergic to it.
People should realize that almost all of these storage issues involve tuber varieties that are hard to store because they easily rot. Easy storing tubers should not be saran wrapped but just dried and thrown into any kind of container with or without vermiculite and they will store just fine. Crappy storing tubers like Seabeck's Hilda, Hollyhill Purely Purple, Formby Kaitlyn , Hillcrest Royal, and several others that have gone extinct because they do not store, benefit from cinnamon and saran wrap. The issue here is fungus rot. These varieties have no resistance to rot. Spores on the surface of the tubers will cause them to rot in storage and spores are in the air just about everywhere. Cinnamon really helps these varieties if they have not yet started to rot. It is pretty hopeless if the tuber has started to rot. You need to know whether a variety has storage issues and then use the your tools to prevent problems. I challenge you to get Cornel, Mingus Toni, Hollyhill Dr Rick, Chilsons Pride, and 100s of others to rot. But the list of shitty tubers is long too and you need to store them properly.