I have what seems to me to be a bit of a curiosity. This bloom is on a plant that came up on its own. In an area that last year, I am pretty darned certain absolutely no plant showed up, especially not in that area. A few did, but they were further into the row while this plant is more towards the end of the row. I had a terrible growing season last year, and this last row hardly produced squat. Unfortunately, I also pulled the tags...
My 'last row' was designated for the 3 footers/3.5 footers max. It seems similar to HH Pinkie, but I do know where that was planted, and it wasn't in this row, lol. There are more buds that haven't opened yet, and the tallest of them is right around 3ft, so I'm pretty sure this wasn't an 'accident' (aka I didn't plant a 5-footer in my 3-footer row!)
Is it truly possible that a tuber laid dormant all that long, skipped out on producing a plant last year, and shows up early to the game the following year? Plant is quite healthy and it is easily pushing buds.